The locals adopted Suriya Arana's name after the famous ‘Suriya Arana’ movie was filmed here, but earlier the area was known as ‘Rukpe’. This Suriya Arana area which located 12km closer to Hettipola and is one of the three main entrances to Meemure village is fed by the Oyabokka waterfall stream and the Lakegala waterway. Most visitors to Meemure are only familiar with Suriya Arana, but it is only one of our many experiences which symbolize Meemure. Suriya Arana is a well-known location for sliding and confidence jumps with three different slides and three confidence jumps you can undertake. The confidence jumps at Suriya Arana include 4 feet, 10 feet, and 25 feet jumps. Each jump involves jumping from the rocks to the river below. Not to worry, there are no rocks where you land and we ensure that you get the protective gear and safety precautions. Before starting, our tour guides remove thorns and twigs, if there are any, within a 13 feet (2 meter) depth by diving in. (If the water levels are getting high or any other safety issue arise, even the tour guides tie up one of their legs in a tree brach with a strong rope for extra safety). Before the jump, we provide the guests with general training on how life jackets work and how to float using a life jacket. We use ropes to assist guests when climbing up in certain areas. The tour guides who are also qualified lifeguards will be always there to ensure your safety. A mark is made to detect any sudden changes in the water level due to flash floods during monsoons.
Accidents have occurred in the past due to travelers arriving without a guide, and we highly encourage guests to follow our advice to avoid such unfortunate events.